
By May 28, 2014February 20th, 2019Uncategorized

This year I am really enjoying being part of the hours … a collaborative project with a wonderful group of photographers, capturing the hours of the day, throughout the year and around the world.

The project started out in January, with images at 7am. Now, at the end of May, we have just completed 11am. The hours in the middle of the day are not usually a time that I take photos, so there is nothing like a good photographic project to get me out with my camera at a time I wouldn’t otherwise consider.

My personal aim for this project is to try to capture an image for each month that best encapsulates that time of day for that particular month. This month, 11am has meant swimming in the rain and showering afterwards outdoors, also in the rain. The images for this month had me shivering in a wet bathing suit, on the ground in the rain with my camera, popping in and out of the shower to warm up in between shots!


Here is a quick peak at 11am around the world. You can see more at the hours.

11am around the world by the photographers at the hours project

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  • Tonia says:

    Beautiful shots Angela. What a fantastic project to be involved in! Looking forward to seeing the whole year.
